Agri-food Data Portal

Data on national and European agriculture and common agricultural policy (CAP), provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department.

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Curious about the sustainability performance of EU agriculture? Is the situation improving compared to the past? Discover the Sustainability Compass, an interactive tool which brings together 20 key indicators for the three dimensions of sustainability in agriculture and rural areas.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 triggered a series of economic consequences that affect European farmers and food consumers. In this dashboard we provide a selection of economic statistics, that help assess these consequences.

Member States and EU-level graphs and tables on farm structures, based on the 2020 EUROSTAT Census, and data on agricultural income based on the economic accounts.

food markets

Agri-food Markets

Market data on national and European agriculture provided by the European Commission's agricultural and rural development department. Browse through multiple visualisations about imports, exports, prices and production.

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CAP Indicators

The indicators help measure the Common Agricultural Policy performance. The EU policy provides financial support to farmers in Member States, develops the rural community and helps farmers towards more environmentally sustainable farming.

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farm economics

Farm Economics

Economic reports on EU farming, based on data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). Learn about productivity, profitability, subsidies, economic structure and finances of European farms.

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A discovery hub to Member States' geoportals for Integrated administration and control system (IACS) spatial data and interactive maps for the CAP context indicators.

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EU financing

Information on the financial aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy: how much money is spent on market measures, direct support and rural development over the years?

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Country factsheets

The factsheets provide an overview of the agricultural sector and rural development at EU and country levels based on the ten specific objectives and indicators used to measure the performance of the CAP.

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Food supply and security

Datasets cover alert system, monitoring and qualitative assessment of food supply and food security which allow in different frequencies to provide updates of ongoing developments in these areas.

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